16 Questions Nigerians Must Ask Themselves Before They Jakpa


“Jakpa” is a term commonly used in Nigerian Pidgin English, particularly in the southern part of Nigeria, to describe the situation of trying to travel and live abroad, especially in Europe or America. It is often used to refer to individuals who have intentions of traveling out of Nigeria to live abroad for an extended period, typically with the assumption that they will acquire wealth by so doing. The term can sometimes carry connotations of success or achievement, as well as a certain level of social status.

When considering emigrating from Nigeria in search of better opportunities, it’s crucial for individuals to reflect on several key questions. These questions can help them make informed decisions and prepare adequately for the challenges they may face abroad. Here are sixteen important questions Nigerians should ask themselves before traveling for greener pastures:

1. Why Are Foreigners More Interested In My Country Than I Am?

Nigeria’s population size is undeniably one of its most significant assets, presenting unique opportunities for sales and entrepreneurship. The sheer number of people in the country provides a vast consumer base, making it an attractive market for businesses looking to expand. Foreigners have recognized this potential and are increasingly investing in Nigeria, tapping into its large and diverse market.

Despite this potential, many Nigerians are more inclined to seek opportunities abroad, often as wage earners. This trend can be attributed to various factors, including economic challenges, limited job prospects, and a desire for better living standards. The allure of higher wages and improved quality of life overseas can be compelling, leading many Nigerians to overlook the opportunities that exist within their own country.

However, by focusing on leveraging Nigeria’s population size and market potential, individuals can explore entrepreneurial endeavors that capitalize on the country’s unique strengths. Becoming a salesperson or starting a business in Nigeria can be a rewarding path, offering the chance to tap into a growing market and contribute to the country’s economic development.

To shift this mindset, it’s crucial to address the underlying issues that drive Nigerians to seek opportunities abroad. This includes creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, improving access to funding and resources for entrepreneurs, and fostering a culture of innovation and enterprise. By doing so, more Nigerians may be encouraged to see the potential in using their numbers as an advantage for sales and entrepreneurship, ultimately benefiting both individuals and the country as a whole.

2. What are my reasons for wanting to leave Nigeria? 

Understanding your motivations can help you evaluate whether emigration is the best solution to your current situation. It’s important to have clear goals and expectations for your move. The decision to leave one’s home country is a deeply personal and often complex one, influenced by a myriad of factors that vary from individual to individual. In the case of Nigeria, a country rich in culture, diversity, and natural resources, there are several common reasons why some Nigerians may consider emigrating:

Firstly, economic opportunities play a significant role. Many Nigerians seek better economic prospects abroad, including higher-paying jobs, business opportunities, and a more stable economy. Despite Nigeria’s vast resources and potential, factors such as unemployment, underemployment, and limited access to basic amenities can drive individuals to seek greener pastures elsewhere.

Secondly, education is a key motivator for emigration. Nigeria, like many developing countries, faces challenges in its education sector, including limited access to quality education and resources. As a result, some Nigerians may choose to leave the country to pursue higher education or access better educational opportunities abroad.

Thirdly, concerns about the quality of life in Nigeria, including issues related to healthcare, infrastructure, and overall living standards, can prompt individuals to seek a better life elsewhere. Challenges such as inadequate healthcare facilities, poor road networks, and unreliable power supply can impact daily life and influence the decision to emigrate.

Additionally, safety and security concerns are significant factors. Nigeria has faced security challenges in recent years, including insurgency, banditry, and communal violence. These security issues, coupled with a perception of inadequate law enforcement and governance, can contribute to a sense of insecurity and drive individuals to seek safer environments abroad.

Furthermore, political instability and governance issues can also play a role. Nigeria has experienced periods of political instability and governance challenges, which can impact economic growth, social stability, and overall quality of life. Some Nigerians may seek to escape these challenges by emigrating to countries with more stable political environments.

In conclusion, the decision to leave Nigeria is a complex one, influenced by a combination of economic, educational, quality of life, safety, and political factors. While Nigeria has much to offer, including its rich culture and natural resources, the desire for a better life and future prospects drives many Nigerians to seek opportunities abroad.

3. Am I aware of the challenges and risks associated with living abroad?

Moving to a new country often comes with significant challenges, including cultural differences, language barriers, and potential legal or immigration issues. Being aware of these challenges can help you prepare mentally and emotionally. Moving to a new country can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and risks. As someone considering living abroad, it is crucial to be aware of these potential hurdles and prepare yourself accordingly.

One of the main challenges of living abroad is the cultural adjustment. Moving to a new country often means adapting to a different way of life, including new customs, traditions, and social norms. This can be a significant adjustment, especially if the culture is vastly different from your own.

Another challenge is the language barrier. If you are moving to a country where you do not speak the language, communication can be difficult. It may take time to learn the language and become comfortable conversing in it.

Homesickness is also a common challenge for those living abroad. Being away from friends, family, and familiar surroundings can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s important to have a support system in place to help you cope with these feelings.

Financial challenges can also arise when living abroad. You may need to navigate different currency exchange rates, tax systems, and employment opportunities. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of your financial situation and to budget accordingly.

Healthcare is another important consideration when living abroad. Access to healthcare services may be different from what you are used to, and it’s important to understand how to navigate the healthcare system in your new country.

Legal and immigration issues can also pose challenges when living abroad. Understanding and complying with the legal and immigration requirements of your new country is crucial to avoid any legal issues or deportation.

Finally, social integration can be a challenge when living abroad. Building a new social network and making friends in a new country can take time and effort, especially if you are not fluent in the local language.

In conclusion, while living abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience, it is essential to be aware of the challenges and risks that come with it. By preparing yourself and understanding these potential hurdles, you can better navigate the transition to life in a new country.

4. Do I have a realistic plan for finding work or furthering my education abroad?

Having a realistic plan for finding work or furthering your education abroad is essential for a successful transition to a new country. It requires careful research, preparation, and a clear understanding of your goals and the opportunities available to you.

Firstly, it’s important to research the job market or education system in your destination country. Understand the requirements, trends, and opportunities in your field of interest. This will help you tailor your approach and increase your chances of success.

Networking is also key. Building connections with professionals in your field, attending networking events, and joining online forums or social media groups related to your industry can help you access job opportunities or educational programs abroad.

Updating your skills and qualifications is crucial. Ensure that your skills are relevant and up to date, and consider taking additional courses or certifications if needed. Language proficiency is often a requirement for many jobs and educational programs abroad, so improving your language skills, if necessary, is also important.

Understanding the visa requirements for working or studying in your destination country is essential. Make sure you have the necessary visas and permits before you move, and seek professional advice if you are unsure about the requirements.

Financial planning is another key aspect of your plan. Moving abroad can be expensive, so it’s important to have a budget in place that considers the cost of living, accommodation, transportation, and other expenses.

In conclusion, having a realistic plan for finding work or furthering your education abroad requires thorough research, networking, skills development, and financial planning. By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of success and make the most of your opportunities abroad.

5. Have I considered the impact of my decision on my family and loved ones?

Considering the impact of your decision to move abroad on your family and loved ones is crucial, as it can have far-reaching effects on your relationships and their lives. Moving to a new country can bring exciting opportunities, but it also comes with challenges and changes that can affect your loved ones in various ways.

One of the main considerations is the emotional impact of your move. Being away from family and friends can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, both for you and for your loved ones. It’s important to have open and honest conversations with your family about how you will stay connected and support each other during your time abroad.

Practical considerations are also important. Moving abroad can mean being far away from your family in times of need, such as during illness or emergencies. It’s important to have a plan in place for how you will handle these situations and ensure that your loved ones have the support they need.

Financial considerations are another important factor. Moving abroad can be expensive, and you may need to consider how your decision will impact your family’s financial situation. It’s important to have a plan in place for how you will support your family financially, both while you are abroad and when you return.

Lastly, it’s important to consider how your decision will impact your relationships with your family and loved ones. Moving abroad can strain relationships, especially if communication is difficult or if there are cultural or language barriers. It’s important to be mindful of these potential challenges and work to maintain strong, healthy relationships with your family and loved ones, even from afar.

In conclusion, considering the impact of your decision to move abroad on your family and loved ones is essential. By being mindful of the emotional, practical, financial, and relational aspects of your decision, you can better prepare yourself and your family for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

6. Am I prepared to adapt to a new culture and way of life?

Adapting to a new culture and way of life is a significant aspect of moving abroad, and it requires careful consideration and preparation. Whether you are moving for work, education, or other reasons, being prepared to adapt to a new culture is essential for a successful transition.

One of the first steps in adapting to a new culture is to educate yourself about the customs, traditions, and social norms of your destination country. This can help you avoid cultural misunderstandings and make a positive impression on the people you meet.

Learning the language spoken in your destination country is also crucial for adaptation. Being able to communicate effectively in the local language can help you integrate into the community and navigate daily life more easily.

Flexibility and open-mindedness are key traits to have when adapting to a new culture. Being open to new experiences, ideas, and ways of thinking can help you embrace the differences you encounter and make the most of your time abroad.

Patience is another important virtue when adapting to a new culture. Cultural differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or frustrations, but maintaining a patient and understanding attitude can help you navigate these challenges more effectively.

Building a support network in your new environment can also aid in your adaptation process. Whether it’s connecting with other expats, joining local community groups, or forming friendships with locals, having a support system can provide you with the emotional and practical support you need as you adjust to your new way of life.

In conclusion, being prepared to adapt to a new culture and way of life is essential for anyone moving abroad. By educating yourself, learning the language, being flexible and patient, and building a support network, you can successfully navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come with living in a new culture.

7. Have I researched the legal and immigration requirements of the country I plan to move to?

Researching the legal and immigration requirements of the country you plan to move to is a crucial step in preparing for your move abroad. Understanding these requirements can help you avoid legal issues and ensure a smooth transition to your new country.

One of the first things you should research is the visa requirements for your destination country. Depending on your nationality and the purpose of your stay, you may need a tourist visa, student visa, work visa, or other type of visa. It’s important to understand the specific requirements for each type of visa and to apply for the appropriate visa well in advance of your move.

You should also research the residency requirements of your destination country. Some countries require you to obtain a residency permit if you plan to stay for an extended period. Understanding these requirements can help you plan your stay and avoid any legal issues.

Another important consideration is the healthcare requirements of your destination country. Some countries require you to have health insurance coverage before you can enter the country. It’s important to research the healthcare system in your destination country and to ensure that you have the necessary coverage before you move.

Finally, you should research the tax requirements of your destination country. Depending on your residency status and income, you may be required to pay taxes in your destination country. Understanding these requirements can help you avoid any tax issues and ensure compliance with the law.

In conclusion, researching the legal and immigration requirements of the country you plan to move to is an essential step in preparing for your move abroad. By understanding these requirements and ensuring that you are in compliance with the law, you can avoid legal issues and ensure a smooth transition to your new country.

8. Have I considered the long-term implications of my decision?

Considering the long-term implications of your decision to move abroad is essential, as it can have a significant impact on various aspects of your life. Whether you are moving for work, education, or other reasons, taking the time to reflect on the long-term implications can help you make informed decisions and plan for the future.

One of the key long-term implications to consider is the impact on your career. Moving abroad can open up new opportunities for professional growth and advancement, but it can also present challenges, such as adapting to a new work culture or building a new professional network. It’s important to consider how your decision to move abroad will affect your career prospects and to have a plan in place for advancing your career in your new country.

Another important consideration is the impact on your personal life. Moving abroad can mean being far away from family and friends, which can be challenging emotionally. It’s important to consider how your decision will affect your relationships and to make an effort to stay connected with your loved ones, even from afar.

Financial considerations are also important when thinking about the long-term implications of moving abroad. Living expenses, taxes, and healthcare costs can vary significantly from country to country, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of your financial situation and to plan accordingly.

Finally, it’s important to consider the cultural and social implications of moving abroad. Adapting to a new culture and way of life can be both exciting and challenging, and it’s important to be prepared for the cultural differences you may encounter. Building a support network and being open-minded can help you navigate these challenges and make the most of your experience living abroad.

In conclusion, considering the long-term implications of your decision to move abroad is essential for making informed decisions and planning for the future. By thinking about the impact on your career, personal life, finances, and cultural adaptation, you can better prepare yourself for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

9. Do I have a realistic understanding of the cost of living in the country I plan to move to?

Having a realistic understanding of the cost of living in the country you plan to move to is crucial for planning your budget and ensuring a smooth transition to your new environment. The cost of living can vary significantly from one country to another, so it’s important to do thorough research and consider all aspects of your expenses.

One of the main factors to consider is housing costs. The cost of renting or buying a home can vary widely depending on the location and size of the property. It’s important to research the housing market in your destination country and budget accordingly.

Another significant expense to consider is healthcare. The cost of healthcare can vary depending on the country’s healthcare system and whether you have access to public or private healthcare. It’s important to research the healthcare system in your destination country and ensure that you have the necessary health insurance coverage.

Other expenses to consider include transportation costs, food and groceries, utilities, education (if you have children), and entertainment. It’s important to factor in all of these expenses when planning your budget and ensure that you have enough savings to cover your expenses until you establish yourself in your new country.

In conclusion, having a realistic understanding of the cost of living in the country you plan to move to is essential for planning your budget and ensuring a successful transition. By researching housing costs, healthcare expenses, and other living expenses, you can better prepare yourself financially for your move abroad.

10. Have I considered the potential language barriers I may face?

Considering the potential language barriers one may face when moving abroad is a critical aspect of planning for a successful transition to a new country. Language barriers can impact various aspects of daily life, from basic communication to accessing essential services and building relationships with locals. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider these potential challenges and prepare accordingly.

One of the primary considerations when facing potential language barriers is assessing one’s current proficiency in the language spoken in the destination country. If one is not fluent, it may be beneficial to enroll in language classes or immersion programs to improve language skills before the move. Additionally, learning basic phrases and vocabulary can be helpful in navigating everyday situations such as shopping, using public transportation, or asking for directions.

Language barriers can also impact professional opportunities and educational pursuits. For those moving abroad for work or study, it is important to consider the language requirements of their field or program. Demonstrating proficiency in the local language may be necessary for success in these endeavors, and investing time and effort into language learning can be highly beneficial.

Furthermore, language barriers can affect social integration and cultural understanding. Making an effort to learn the local language can help build connections and foster a sense of belonging in the new community. Additionally, language is often closely tied to culture, so learning the language can also enhance one’s understanding of the culture and customs of the destination country.

In conclusion, considering the potential language barriers one may face when moving abroad is crucial for a successful transition. By acknowledging these challenges and taking proactive steps to improve language skills and prepare for linguistic differences, individuals can enhance their ability to integrate into their new environment and make the most of their experience living abroad.

11. Do I have a support network in the destination country?

Having a support network in the destination country is crucial when moving abroad, as it can provide invaluable assistance and guidance during the transition period. A support network can include friends, family, colleagues, and local contacts who can offer practical advice, emotional support, and a sense of community in your new environment.

One of the first steps in building a support network in the destination country is to reach out to contacts you already have in the area. This could include friends or family members who live nearby, or colleagues who have experience living in the country. These contacts can provide valuable insights into the local culture, customs, and practicalities of daily life.

Joining local expat communities or social groups can also help you build a support network in your new country. These groups often organize social events, networking opportunities, and cultural activities, providing you with a chance to meet like-minded individuals and make new friends.

Additionally, consider reaching out to local organizations or clubs related to your interests or hobbies. This can be a great way to meet people who share your passions and form connections in your new community.

Having a support network in the destination country can also be beneficial in times of need. Whether you need help navigating the local healthcare system, dealing with homesickness, or simply want someone to talk to, having people you can rely on can make the transition to a new country much smoother.

In conclusion, having a support network in the destination country is essential when moving abroad. By reaching out to existing contacts, joining local expat communities, and getting involved in local organizations, you can build a strong support network that can help you navigate the challenges and enjoy the opportunities of living in a new country.

12. Have I researched the job market in the destination country?

Researching the job market in the destination country is a crucial step when considering a move abroad, as it can provide valuable insights into the availability of job opportunities, the demand for specific skills, and the overall economic landscape. By conducting thorough research, individuals can make informed decisions about their move and increase their chances of finding employment in their new country.

One of the first steps in researching the job market is to familiarize oneself with the local economy and key industries in the destination country. Understanding the economic drivers and major employers in the region can help individuals target their job search more effectively.

It is also important to research the specific job market trends and employment opportunities in the field or industry relevant to one’s skills and experience. This can involve studying job listings, networking with professionals in the field, and attending industry events or job fairs.

Additionally, researching the job market can provide insights into the local job application process and cultural norms. Understanding how to format a resume, write a cover letter, and prepare for interviews in the destination country can help individuals present themselves effectively to potential employers.

Furthermore, researching the job market can help individuals assess the feasibility of their move and make informed decisions about their career prospects abroad. By understanding the job market conditions, individuals can better prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities of finding employment in a new country.

In conclusion, researching the job market in the destination country is a critical step when considering a move abroad. By familiarizing oneself with the local economy, industry trends, and job market conditions, individuals can make informed decisions about their move and increase their chances of finding meaningful employment in their new country.

13. Am I prepared for the possibility of facing discrimination or prejudice in the destination country?

Being prepared for the possibility of facing discrimination or prejudice in the destination country is an important consideration when planning a move abroad. Discrimination and prejudice can manifest in various forms, including racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural bias, and can impact various aspects of life, including employment, housing, and social interactions. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of these potential challenges and to prepare accordingly.

One of the first steps in preparing for the possibility of facing discrimination or prejudice is to educate oneself about the cultural, social, and political landscape of the destination country. Understanding the history and context of discrimination in the country can provide valuable insights into the challenges that may be faced.

It is also important to research the legal protections and resources available to individuals facing discrimination in the destination country. This can include understanding anti-discrimination laws, knowing how to report instances of discrimination, and being aware of support services or advocacy groups that can provide assistance.

Additionally, building a support network in the destination country can help individuals navigate the challenges of discrimination. This can include connecting with local communities, expat groups, or organizations that advocate for equality and inclusion.

Furthermore, developing resilience and coping strategies can be valuable in facing discrimination or prejudice. This can involve building self-confidence, seeking professional support if needed, and finding healthy ways to manage stress and emotions.

In conclusion, being prepared for the possibility of facing discrimination or prejudice in the destination country is an important aspect of planning a move abroad. By educating oneself, researching legal protections, building a support network, and developing resilience, individuals can better navigate the challenges of discrimination and ensure a more positive experience living abroad.

14. Have I considered the impact of my move on my mental health and well-being?

Moving abroad can be an exciting adventure, but it can also have a significant impact on one’s mental health and well-being. It’s important to consider the potential challenges and take steps to ensure that your mental health is well cared for during and after your move.

One of the main considerations is the stress and anxiety that can come with the move itself. Moving to a new country involves a lot of change and uncertainty, which can be overwhelming. It’s important to be aware of these feelings and to seek support if needed. Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional can help you cope with these emotions and navigate the transition more smoothly.

Another potential challenge is homesickness and feelings of isolation. Being far away from familiar surroundings and loved ones can take a toll on your mental health. It’s important to stay connected with friends and family back home, as well as to make an effort to build a support network in your new country. Engaging in activities that you enjoy and exploring your new surroundings can also help combat feelings of homesickness.

Cultural adjustment is another factor to consider. Living in a new country means adapting to a different culture, customs, and way of life. This can be exciting, but it can also be challenging. It’s important to be open-minded and willing to learn about and embrace the new culture. Building relationships with locals and fellow expats can also help you feel more at home in your new environment.

Finally, it’s important to take care of your physical health as well as your mental health. Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all have a positive impact on your mental well-being. Taking time to relax and unwind, whether through meditation, yoga, or other activities, can also help reduce stress and improve your overall mental health.

In conclusion, moving abroad can have a significant impact on your mental health and well-being. By considering the potential challenges and taking steps to care for your mental health, you can ensure a more positive and fulfilling experience living abroad.

15. Have I researched the healthcare system in the destination country?

Researching the healthcare system in the destination country is a crucial step when planning a move abroad, as it can help ensure access to quality healthcare and medical services. Understanding the healthcare system, insurance requirements, and available resources can help individuals prepare for any medical needs they may have while living in a new country.

One of the first steps in researching the healthcare system is to understand the structure and services offered. This can include learning about the public and private healthcare sectors, the availability of hospitals and clinics, and the types of services covered under the healthcare system.

It is also important to research the requirements for healthcare insurance in the destination country. Some countries require residents to have health insurance coverage, while others may offer public healthcare services to residents. Understanding these requirements can help individuals ensure they have the necessary coverage before moving abroad.

Additionally, researching the quality of healthcare services and medical facilities in the destination country is important. This can include learning about the reputation of hospitals and clinics, the availability of specialized care, and the accessibility of medical services.

Understanding how to access healthcare services in the destination country is also important. This can include learning about the process for scheduling appointments, obtaining prescriptions, and accessing emergency medical care.

In conclusion, researching the healthcare system in the destination country is an essential step when planning a move abroad. By understanding the structure of the healthcare system, insurance requirements, and available resources, individuals can ensure they are prepared for any medical needs they may have while living in a new country.

16. Do I have a plan for maintaining ties to my Nigerian culture and identity while abroad?

Maintaining ties to one’s Nigerian culture and identity while living abroad is important for staying connected to one’s roots and sense of identity. Moving to a new country can be an exciting opportunity for personal growth and new experiences, but it can also bring challenges in terms of maintaining cultural connections. Having a plan in place to stay connected to one’s Nigerian culture can help individuals navigate these challenges and ensure that they continue to feel a sense of belonging to their cultural heritage.

One way to maintain ties to Nigerian culture while abroad is to stay connected to the Nigerian community in the destination country. This can include attending cultural events, joining Nigerian community groups or organizations, and participating in celebrations of Nigerian holidays and traditions. These activities can help individuals feel connected to their culture and provide opportunities to meet others who share their background.

Another way to maintain ties to Nigerian culture is through food and cuisine. Cooking traditional Nigerian dishes at home, seeking out Nigerian restaurants in the destination country, and sharing meals with friends and family can help individuals stay connected to their culinary heritage and traditions.

Language is another important aspect of maintaining ties to Nigerian culture. Practicing and speaking Nigerian languages, reading Nigerian literature, and listening to Nigerian music and radio can help individuals maintain their language skills and stay connected to Nigerian culture.

Additionally, staying connected to Nigerian news and current events can help individuals stay informed about what is happening in their home country and maintain a sense of connection to Nigerian society.

In conclusion, maintaining ties to Nigerian culture and identity while living abroad is important for staying connected to one’s roots and sense of identity. By staying connected to the Nigerian community, engaging in cultural activities, and practicing Nigerian traditions, individuals can continue to feel a sense of belonging to their cultural heritage while living abroad.

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