What You Need To Know About Gmail

GMAIL: Google’s Popular Email Service

Gmail, Google’s popular email service, offers a range of features designed to make email management efficient and user-friendly. Here’s all you need to know about the key features of Gmail:


It offers 15 GB of free storage to each user. This storage is shared across Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. The 15 GB of storage is quite generous compared to other email services, and for most users, it provides enough space to store years’ worth of emails and attachments.

If you find that you need more storage, Google offers various paid storage plans starting at 100 GB for $1.99 per month. You can upgrade your storage plan at any time, and the additional storage will be shared across Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos.

It also offers a feature called “Storage management” that allows you to see how much storage you’re using and what’s taking up space. This can help you identify and delete unnecessary emails and attachments to free up space in your Gmail account.


Gmail’s powerful search feature allows users to quickly find specific emails using keywords, sender, recipient, or other criteria. Its search feature is one of its most powerful tools, allowing users to quickly find specific emails or conversations based on various criteria. Here are some key aspects of Gmail’s search functionality:

Search Bar: Located at the top of the Gmail interface, the search bar allows users to enter keywords, sender names, recipient names, or any other criteria to search for specific emails.

Advanced Search: Clicking on the down arrow in the search bar opens up a menu with advanced search options, allowing users to narrow down their search by specifying criteria such as date, sender, recipient, subject, and more.

Search Operators: Gmail supports various search operators that can be used to refine search queries. For example, you can use “from:” to search for emails from a specific sender, or “has:attachment” to search for emails with attachments.

Filters: Gmail’s filters allow users to automatically organize incoming emails based on certain criteria. Filters can be set up to automatically label, archive, delete, or forward emails that meet specific criteria.

Search Suggestions: As you type in the search bar, Gmail provides search suggestions based on your search history and the content of your emails, making it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Search Within Attachments: Gmail can also search within attachments, such as PDFs and Word documents, allowing users to find emails based on the content of attachments.

Overall, Gmail’s search functionality is robust and efficient, making it easy for users to find the emails they need quickly and accurately.

Labels and Filters:

Labels and filters are two features in Gmail that help users organize and manage their emails more effectively.

Labels: Labels in Gmail work like folders, allowing users to categorize their emails into different groups. Unlike traditional folders, emails in Gmail can have multiple labels, making it easier to organize emails that fall into multiple categories. Users can create custom labels and apply them to emails manually or automatically using filters.

Filters: Filters in Gmail allow users to automatically perform actions on incoming emails based on specified criteria. For example, users can set up a filter to automatically label emails from a specific sender or with a specific keyword. Filters can also be used to automatically archive, delete, or forward emails.

By combining labels and filters, users can create a customized email organization system that meets their specific needs. Labels help users visually organize their emails, while filters automate the process of organizing and managing incoming emails. Together, these features make it easier for users to keep their inbox organized and find the emails they need quickly.

Priority Inbox:

Priority Inbox is a feature in Gmail that helps users focus on their most important emails. It automatically separates incoming emails into different sections based on their importance, making it easier for users to prioritize which emails to read and respond to first.

The sections in Priority Inbox typically include:

Important and Unread: This section contains emails that Gmail considers important and have not been read yet. Gmail uses a variety of signals to determine which emails are important, such as who the sender is, the content of the email, and how the user has interacted with similar emails in the past.

Starred: This section contains emails that the user has starred, indicating that they are important or require further action.

Everything Else: This section contains all other emails that are not marked as important or starred. These emails are typically less urgent and can be read and responded to later.

Users can customize how Priority Inbox works by training Gmail to recognize which emails are important and which are not. For example, users can manually mark emails as important or unimportant, which helps Gmail learn their preferences over time.

Overall, Priority Inbox is a useful feature for users who receive a large volume of emails and need help prioritizing which ones to focus on first. It can help users stay organized and ensure that they don’t miss important emails.


Gmail’s tabs feature helps users organize their inbox by categorizing incoming emails into different tabs or sections. The tabs are designed to separate emails into different categories based on their content, making it easier for users to prioritize and manage their emails. Here are the different tabs available in Gmail:

Primary: The Primary tab contains emails that Gmail considers to be important and relevant to the user. This tab typically includes emails from contacts, as well as emails that the user has previously interacted with or responded to.

Social: The Social tab contains emails related to social media notifications and updates. This tab is designed to separate social media notifications from other types of emails, making it easier for users to focus on their personal and professional emails.

Promotions: The Promotions tab contains promotional emails, such as newsletters, deals, and offers from companies and brands. This tab is designed to separate promotional emails from other types of emails, making it easier for users to manage their inbox.

Updates: The Updates tab contains emails related to updates and notifications from various services and websites. This tab is designed to separate update emails from other types of emails, making it easier for users to stay informed about important updates.

Forums: The Forums tab contains emails related to online forums and discussion groups. This tab is designed to separate forum notifications from other types of emails, making it easier for users to participate in online discussions.

Users can customize which tabs are displayed in their inbox and how emails are categorized by adjusting their inbox settings. The tabs feature helps users keep their inbox organized and makes it easier to find and manage emails based on their content.

Undo Send:

Gmail’s Undo Send feature allows users to recall an email shortly after sending it. This feature can be useful if you realize you’ve made a mistake or need to make changes to an email before it reaches the recipient. Here’s how the Undo Send feature works:

Enable Undo Send: To use the Undo Send feature, you’ll need to enable it in your Gmail settings. Go to Settings > See all settings > Undo Send, and check the box next to “Enable Undo Send.” You can also adjust the cancellation period (the amount of time you have to recall an email) from 5 to 30 seconds.

Send an Email: After composing an email, click the Send button as usual. Once the email is sent, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming that your email has been sent and giving you the option to “Undo.”

Undo Send: If you decide to recall the email, click the “Undo” button within the specified cancellation period. This will stop the email from being delivered and bring you back to the compose window so you can make any necessary changes.

Confirmation: After clicking “Undo,” Gmail will confirm that the email has been recalled successfully. You can then make any changes to the email and send it again when you’re ready.

It’s important to note that the Undo Send feature only works within the specified cancellation period and only applies to emails sent from Gmail’s web interface. Once the cancellation period has passed or if you’re using a different email client, you won’t be able to recall the email using the Undo Send feature.

Offline Access:

Gmail offers offline access through the Gmail Offline Chrome extension, which allows users to read, respond to, and search their emails even when they are not connected to the internet. Here’s how to set up offline access in Gmail:

Install the Gmail Offline Chrome extension: Open the Chrome Web Store and search for “Gmail Offline.” Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension.

Enable offline access: Once the extension is installed, open Gmail in Chrome. Click the gear icon in the top right corner and select “Settings.” In the “Offline” tab, check the box next to “Enable offline mail.” You can also adjust settings such as how many days of email to sync and whether to download attachments.

Access Gmail offline: With offline access enabled, you can now access Gmail offline by opening a new tab in Chrome and typing “chrome://apps” in the address bar. Click the Gmail Offline icon to open the offline version of Gmail.

Manage offline settings: You can manage your offline settings by clicking the gear icon in Gmail and selecting “Settings” > “Offline.” From here, you can adjust settings such as how many days of email to sync and whether to download attachments.

Use Gmail offline: While offline, you can read, respond to, and search your emails just like you would online. Any changes you make will be synced when you reconnect to the internet.

It’s important to note that the Gmail Offline Chrome extension only works in the Chrome browser and only provides access to your most recent emails. For full access to your Gmail account and older emails, you’ll need to use a desktop email client that supports offline access, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird.


Gmail allows users to send and receive attachments with their emails. Here are some key features related to attachments in Gmail:

Attachment Size: Gmail allows attachments up to 25 MB in size. If you try to send an attachment that exceeds this limit, Gmail will prompt you to use Google Drive to send the file instead.

Google Drive Integration: Gmail is integrated with Google Drive, allowing users to easily insert files from Google Drive into their emails. This is especially useful for sending large files that exceed the attachment size limit.

Preview Attachments: Gmail allows users to preview certain types of attachments, such as PDFs, images, and videos, without having to download them. This can be useful for quickly viewing the contents of an attachment without opening it in a separate application.

Downloading Attachments: Users can download attachments to their computer by clicking on the attachment in the email and selecting the download option. Attachments are downloaded to the user’s default download location unless specified otherwise.

Attachment Security: Gmail scans attachments for viruses and malware to protect users from malicious files. If Gmail detects a potentially harmful attachment, it will block the attachment and alert the user.

Forwarding Attachments: When forwarding emails with attachments, Gmail gives users the option to include the original attachments or remove them before sending. This allows users to control whether recipients receive the attachments.

Overall, Gmail’s attachment features make it easy for users to send and receive files with their emails, whether they’re small documents or large files stored in Google Drive.

Integration with Google Apps:

Gmail is integrated with various other Google Apps, such as Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Docs, to provide a seamless and productive experience for users. Here’s how Gmail integrates with these apps:

Google Calendar: Users can create calendar events directly from Gmail. When an email contains event details, Gmail can recognize them and provide a quick link to add the event to Google Calendar. Users can also view their calendar events and schedule meetings without leaving the Gmail interface.

Google Drive: Gmail allows users to easily attach files from Google Drive to their emails. Instead of attaching large files directly to the email, users can insert a link to the file in Google Drive, ensuring that recipients have access to the most up-to-date version of the file. Gmail also provides the option to save attachments directly to Google Drive.

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides: Users can collaborate on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly from Gmail. When a user receives a document attachment, they can open and edit it in Google Docs without leaving Gmail. Changes are saved automatically, and users can share the document with others right from the Gmail interface.

Google Hangouts: Gmail integrates with Google Hangouts, allowing users to chat and make video calls directly from their inbox. Users can see their Hangouts contacts, start a chat, or initiate a video call without switching to a separate app.

Google Contacts: Gmail syncs with Google Contacts, ensuring that users have access to their contacts’ information from within the Gmail interface. Users can easily add new contacts, edit existing contacts, and manage contact groups without leaving Gmail.

Overall, the integration of Gmail with other Google Apps enhances productivity and efficiency by allowing users to access and manage their emails, calendar events, documents, and contacts seamlessly from a single interface.


Gmail prioritizes security to protect users’ emails and personal information. Here are some key security features of Gmail:

Encryption: Gmail uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt emails in transit, ensuring that messages are secure while they are being sent between email servers. Gmail also supports S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) for encrypting emails end-to-end.

Spam and Phishing Protection: Gmail uses advanced algorithms to detect and block spam, phishing attempts, and malware. Suspicious emails are flagged and moved to the spam folder, reducing the risk of users falling victim to malicious attacks.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Gmail offers two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security beyond just a password. With 2FA enabled, users must verify their identity with a second factor, such as a code sent to their phone, before accessing their account.

Security Alerts: Gmail notifies users of suspicious activity, such as login attempts from unfamiliar locations or devices. Users can review these alerts and take action to secure their account if necessary.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Gmail includes DLP features that allow administrators to create and enforce policies to prevent sensitive information from being shared or leaked via email. DLP can detect and prevent the transmission of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers.

Email Authentication: Gmail supports email authentication standards such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance), which help prevent spoofing and ensure that emails are legitimate.

Security Checkup: Gmail offers a Security Checkup feature that allows users to review and update their security settings, including recovery information, connected devices, and third-party access to their account.

Overall, Gmail’s security features help protect users’ emails and personal information from unauthorized access, phishing attacks, and other security threats. By prioritizing security, Gmail provides users with a safe and secure email experience.


Gmail offers several customization options that allow users to personalize their email experience. Here are some key customization features of Gmail:

Themes: Gmail offers a variety of themes that allow users to change the appearance of their inbox. Themes include different colors, patterns, and images, allowing users to customize the look of Gmail to suit their preferences.

Inbox Type: Gmail allows users to choose their preferred inbox type, such as Default, Important first, Unread first, Starred first, or Priority Inbox. This allows users to customize how their emails are displayed in their inbox based on their preferences.

Email Signature: Users can create a custom email signature that is automatically added to the end of their outgoing emails. Email signatures can include text, links, and images, allowing users to personalize their emails with their contact information or branding.

Keyboard Shortcuts: Gmail offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts that allow users to perform common actions quickly and easily. Users can also customize keyboard shortcuts to suit their preferences.

Filters and Labels: Users can create custom filters and labels to organize their emails. Filters allow users to automatically categorize incoming emails based on criteria such as sender, subject, or keywords, while labels allow users to categorize and organize emails manually.

Tabs: As mentioned earlier, Gmail’s tabs feature allows users to categorize their inbox into different tabs, such as Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums. Users can customize which tabs are displayed and how emails are categorized.

Settings: Gmail offers a wide range of settings that allow users to customize their email experience. Settings include options for configuring inbox behavior, notifications, email forwarding, and much more.

Overall, Gmail’s customization options allow users to personalize their email experience to suit their preferences and workflow. Whether it’s changing the appearance of their inbox, organizing emails with labels and filters, or customizing keyboard shortcuts, Gmail provides users with the flexibility to tailor their email experience to their liking.

Mobile Apps:

Gmail offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, providing users with access to their emails on the go. Here are some key features of the Gmail mobile apps:

Email Management: The Gmail mobile apps allow users to manage their emails efficiently. Users can read, reply to, and forward emails, as well as archive or delete emails with a swipe gesture.

Push Notifications: Gmail mobile apps support push notifications, alerting users of new emails and important messages even when the app is not open. Users can customize notification settings to control which emails trigger notifications.

Multiple Accounts: The Gmail mobile apps allow users to add multiple email accounts, including Gmail and non-Gmail accounts, providing a single interface to manage all their emails.

Offline Access: Users can access their emails offline using the Gmail mobile apps. The apps sync emails when connected to the internet, allowing users to read and respond to emails offline.

Attachments: The Gmail mobile apps allow users to view and download attachments directly from their emails. Users can also attach files from their device or Google Drive to outgoing emails.

Search: The Gmail mobile apps feature a powerful search functionality that allows users to quickly find specific emails using keywords, sender, recipient, or other criteria.

Security: The Gmail mobile apps prioritize security, offering features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and the ability to remotely sign out of devices to protect users’ accounts.

Integration: The Gmail mobile apps are integrated with other Google apps, such as Google Calendar and Google Drive, allowing users to easily access and manage their calendars, documents, and files from within the Gmail app.

Overall, the Gmail mobile apps provide users with a convenient and feature-rich way to manage their emails on their mobile devices, ensuring that they can stay connected and productive while on the go.

These are just some of the many features that make it a popular choice for email management. Its user-friendly interface, powerful search capabilities, and integration with other Google Apps make it a versatile and efficient email service for individuals and businesses alike.

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